Cisco Quantum
Every year the "amount of data" on the Internet, more and more increasing. Only in Facebook, every day there is more than 2.5 billion pieces of content, the amount which is estimated more than 500 terabytes.
According to research conducted by Cisco, the volume of mobile traffic by the end of 2017year will increase by 13 times, will reach 11.2 exabytes. The number of connected mobile devices to the Internet will grow by this time in 1.4.
Modern networks, including the network internet, become part of shaping the future, based on the large amount of data storage and processing. That network will play an important role in the collection of information, storage its and transfer it from one device to another.
The use of mobile data.
The information that can pass through the network in real time is of great importance for the operators that offer different services. Information processed and stored in the network, it is very important for the business, "the company-to -company", "company-to-user".
Operator Network WI-FI.
That the growing volume of data that is stored in networks, operators are trying to unload with the help of technology WI-FI. Most of the mobile traffic is accumulating not in the devices connected to the Internet, and in some "storage." And it is for operators, is very cost-effective option, the transfer of these data with the help of technology WI-FI. This is especially relevant in a dense urban environment, where the location of the object takes.
Virtualizayatsiya networks.
Cloud network, in the near future, will be a base for mobile devices. Modern mobile and cloud technologies can create unprecedented opportunities for business. In particular, for the development of target markets.
Operators may face in the near future, the problem of transmittance of information through their networks. To do this, they need to build the most flexible network wich can adapt to any requirements. These technologies need to be improved at the expense of programmability networks. One of these systems - mobile intrnet architecture CISCO new generation.
Intelligent software.
The intelligent software agent CISCO QUANTUM, can support personalization of data in real time. This is an opportunity for operators and their development, through which passes a large number of information and process vast amounts of data.